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Kate Leman

Kate is our BASE BABY Ambassador - leading our parent and pre-schooler outdoor BASECamp in Grantham.

As a mum of three young children Kate was frustrated at not being able to workout how and when she wanted to; without childcare available her only option was home workouts but she missed the environment of being among other fitness enthusiasts.

“For me exercise is about a few core things - firstly of course, moving your body, secondly, I like to workout with people around me - I crave human interaction so classes or 1:1 PT sessions is where I feel happiest, and thirdly I just LOVE being in nature, no matter the weather; so I asked myself, why not incorporate all three?... BASE BABY was born!” 


As well as a Fitness Coach, Kate is also a certified Life Coach and she knows just how fundamental movement is to our wellbeing - in body, mind and soul.

“Making movement part of our every day should become a habit from as early in life as possible, so I believe that bringing little ones along will not only remove barriers to exercise that parents often face, we also show our children that body movement, being out in nature while socialising and supporting others is just as important as the air we breathe.”


“Bringing my own one year old to each BASECamp will come with its own challenges, but this way we are all in the same boat! No judgment, no expectation, just fun and fitness.”


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